House Rules

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General remarks

The house rules of the event find their basis and assertiveness in the house right, in private as well as public Austrian law regulations. It also relies on the provisions of the Security Police Act “Sicherheitspolizeigesetz” (SPG), “OÖ Veranstaltungsgesetz” and “oberösterreichischen Jugendschutzgesetztes (Oö. JSchG)”.


Scope of application

The house rules are part of the admission for visitors and employees to the public facilities of the above-mentioned event in operating condition during the event. It applies to the entire event area, which includes the area marked in a separate site plan. The site plan is set up together with the house rules directly at the event. This is valid for all events taking place.


Purpose of the house rules

The aim of the house rules is:
to prevent the endangerment or damage to persons and property;
to protect the event grounds from damage and contamination, to ensure a trouble-free execution of events.


Stay at the venue

Access to the event site is only permitted with a valid entrance ticket or accreditation – except restricted areas, for which access is only possible with a valid access authorization (accreditation) (eg field of play). Only persons who ensure peace and order may stay on the premises.
to disturb public safety and order;
Animals other than guide dogs, partner dogs and police service dogs, security and rescue services;
Bicycles and other bulky items (except handicapped facilities in designated areas);
Items which are illegal to wear or possess or items which may be used for prohibited acts;
Introduction of dangerous objects and pyrotechnics of all kinds;
To harass, frighten or endanger persons;
To abuse alarm systems, emergency calls or distress signals;
damage or contaminate the site or the stadium;
to arouse public outrage or to violate custom and decency.

Persons under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs have no right of access and residence to the venue.

The bringing of food and drinks is basically not allowed.


Security checks

At all events an access and security check is carried out at all entrances to the site. The security and security service deployed by the organizer is entitled to inspect persons – including those using technical aids – to determine whether they pose a security risk due to the consumption of alcohol and / or drugs or the carrying of weapons or dangerous or flammable objects. The security and security service is authorized, with the consent of the persons, to search clothing items and carried containers. For this purpose, technical aids and devices can be used. For the purpose of determining age (OÖ JSchG), passport checks are carried out at the entrances.


Refusal of access

People who pose a security risk or deny their consent to the search are denied entry.
Furthermore, the following persons are denied access to the stadium:
Persons who refuse to identify themselves on request or refuse to be scanned for prohibited items;
Persons carrying items whose carrying or possession is illegal;
Persons who refuse to place objects that can be used in the event room for prohibited acts or that are dangerous in an appropriate location.


Search of persons

The search of persons must be done by persons of the same sex.

Securing and depositing objects
Items that are illegal to carry or possess must be secured and handed over to the police along with the owner’s personal details. The security service ensures that items subject to access control which can be used for acts prohibited in the venue or that are dangerous cannot be brought into access control. The security service freely decides on a possible safekeeping and assumes no liability for lost or unclaimed items.


Forbidden Objects:

  • pyrotechnic objects of all kind
  • Rods longer than 120cm
  • Bulky objects of all kinds (like scooters, camping chairs …)
  • Weapons of all kinds
  • any glass containers (glasses, bottles …)
  • Plastic bottles lager than 0.5 l
  • Canned drinks
  • The carrying of laser devices (laser pointer)
  • Sports and play equipment such as bicycles


Carrying flags

Forbidden Flags
Flags with racist, sexist, provocative, offensive, irreverent or political imprints are prohibited.
Flags with advertising not approved by the organizer.

Flags/banners without fixed frame
Fabric banners without a fixed frame are allowed.

Wooden flagpoles must comply with the relevant official guidelines. Metal flagpoles are prohibited.
Flexible plastic flagpoles (e.g. KIR tubes) and flexible plastic telescopic pole bars are  allowed up to a maximum length of 120 cm.

Carrying banners and falg
Principle: Transparent including Banners made of cloth, without fixed frame, are permitted provided as long as they do not impair the free view of the spectators to the stage.
Prohibited banners and banners: It is forbidden to carry banners and / or banners with racist, sexist, provocative, insulting, irreverent or political imprints as well as any advertising content.


Behavior at the venue

All persons entering the venue must behave in a way that no one else is harmed, endangered, disabled or harassed.
All persons entering the venue are asked not to discard waste, packaging materials and empty containers carelessly but to dispose of them in the waste containers located on the venue. Attention should also be paid to the intended separation of the disposed materials.
All persons entering the venue must comply with the orders of the police, the fire brigade, the security and rescue service as well as the stadium announcer. Anyone who intentionally or negligently fails to comply with these instructions may be expelled from the venue by the security service or the police.
All entrances and exits as well as the emergency, escape and rescue routes have to be kept clear. Notwithstanding these house rules, further necessary arrangements may be imposed on a case-by-case basis for the prevention or elimination of danger to life, health or property. Instructions issued by the police or the security service have to be obeyed for this purpose.



The stay in the area is at your own risk. The organizer is only liable for damages caused by intent or an act of gross negligence on the part of him or his legal representatives, unless essential contractual obligations are affected. The liability of the organizer is limited except in the case of deliberate action on the replacement of the predictable, contract-typical damage, unless there is a act of grossly negligent of essential contractual obligations. Accidents or damage must be reported immediately.



Anyone who violates the house rules can be provided with the sanctions provided (stadium ban, turnover compensation and / or criminal complaint), whereby in any case claims for damages remain reserved through the legal process.
Any infringement of the house rules, and in particular any risky behavior, entitles the order and control service to expel the person violating the house rules from the stadium or venue.
Relevant information on the facts, including personal data, collected as part of the investigation of an infringement of the house rules shall be made available to the competent authorities for the purpose of prosecuting and taking appropriate action.
Claims for damages remain reserved for the legal process.
Criminal offenses and misdemeanors are always reported to the police.


Sound and image recordings

All persons entering the venue acknowledges that they are attending a public event and agrees that it may make sound and video recordings free of charge, including direct or delayed video display, for direct or delayed transmission, transmission or recording, by means of photos or other media technologies can be used free of charge.
Visitors are also aware and agree that for the sake of everyone’s safety and for sanctioning violations of house rules and violations of law, video recordings of the viewing areas are made throughout the venue.
All persons entering the venue agree irrevocably and for all present and future media with the free use of their image and their voice for photographs, films, live broadcasts, broadcasts and / or recordings of image and / or sound, created by the organizer or his representative in connection with the visit to the stadium or the event.
All persons entering the venue acknowledges that they may make sound and / or visual recordings and / or descriptions of the site or event, as well as the results and / or statistics of the event for private use only. In any case, it is prohibited to transmit, in whole or in part, audio or visual material, descriptions, results and / or statistics of the event, or assist other persons in the performance of such transmission on the Internet, radio, television or other current and / or future media technologies.

Corona regulations as of July 1

The corona regulations valid in Austria at the time of the event apply.

As of 1 July, the obligation to present a COVID19 proof only applies to persons 12 years of age and older.


3-G rule

 Admission to the event only upon presentation of a valid Covid 19 proof of entry (“3G rule”, short for German “geimpft, getested, genesen” means “recovered, tested or vaccinated”).

To gain entry to the event, you must have a valid Covid-19 entry credential in accordance with the Covid-19 Opening Ordinance. Children up to the age of 11 are exempt from the “3G rule”. Mandatory testing applies to persons 12 years of age and older

  • Tested

Molecular biological test (e.g. PCR test): valid for 72 hours from the time the sample is taken

Antigen test from an authorized body (e.g. testing services of the City of Vienna): valid 48 hours from sample collection

Antigen self-test recorded in an official data processing system of the federal states: valid 24 hours from sample collection

  • Vaccinated

Proof of vaccination is considered to be:

  • Yellow vaccination card
  • Vaccination card
  • Printout of the data from the e-vaccination card

Proof of vaccination is valid from the 22nd day after the 1st vaccination. After full immunization (receipt of all recommended doses of the respective vaccine), the vaccination certificate remains valid for a total of 9 months from the 1st vaccination (subject to scientific knowledge).

  • Recovery

Medical confirmation is valid for up to 6 months after an expired infection with SARS-CoV-2. The infection must have been proven by molecular biology (e.g. by PCR test).

An official segregation notice is also valid for 6 months.

Proof of a positive test for neutralizing antibodies is valid for 3 months. It is possible to retest after the expiration of this period.


Contact data collection

Contact details of visitors are collected in catering and accommodation establishments, non-public sports and leisure facilities, and gatherings of more than 100 people. Registration of each visitor is obligatory for access to the event. The Organizers uses the website for the registration of spectators.


Other hygiene regulations

  • The general hygiene rules must be observed at all times. These include not shaking hands, washing hands with soap and water several times a day, and coughing into a handkerchief or the crook of the elbow.
  • Maintaining a 1-meter minimum distance from other guests throughout the facility – except on the stands. Excluded are persons with whom you live in a common household.


Final provisions

These house rules apply to all events within the framework of the Fistball World Championships in Grieskirchen from 28 July to 1 August 2021.
The current version of the house rules will be made accessible to the visitors in an appropriate manner (publication on the website of the organizer, displays of extracts at ticket offices and in the event grounds).


Hölderlinstraße 26
4040 Linz[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_column_text]


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